Bank Negara Malaysia Enforces Amendments to Money Services Business Act 2024

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Bank Negara Malaysia Enforces Amendments to Money Services Business Act

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has announced the enforcement of the Money Services Business (Amendment) Act 2024 (MSBA 2024) effective today. These amendments aim to bolster BNM’s ability to implement stringent enforcement actions against illegal operators within the money services business (MSB) industry, thereby enhancing the sector’s integrity and safeguarding customers from potential risks.

Key Amendments in MSBA 2024

The MSBA 2024 introduces several significant changes designed to reinforce regulatory oversight and deter unauthorized activities within the MSB industry. Key amendments include:


1. Mandatory Imprisonment and Minimum Fines

The amendments impose mandatory imprisonment for up to 10 years and a minimum fine of RM50,000 for illegal operators of money services businesses. This strict penalty framework serves as a robust deterrent against unauthorized operations that could jeopardize customer security and industry integrity.

2. Clarification of Offences and Definitions

The revised act provides greater clarity on the offence of abetting illegal operators, ensuring that those who support or facilitate illegal activities are held accountable. Additionally, the definition of remittance business has been clarified to encompass a broader range of activities, ensuring comprehensive regulatory coverage.

3. Enhanced Evidentiary Scope

The amendments expand the scope of evidence that can be used to charge illegal operators, providing authorities with more tools to prosecute offenders effectively. This includes a wider range of documentation and data that can be admissible in legal proceedings.

4. Property Forfeiture

To deter repeat offenders, the amendments authorize authorities to forfeit the property of an illegal operator upon prosecution. This measure aims to remove the financial incentives for engaging in illegal money services activities and disrupt the operations of unauthorized entities.

5. Administrative Actions for Operational Breaches

In line with a more proportionate approach to enforcement, BNM will now undertake administrative rather than criminal actions against operational breaches by licensed MSB operators. This shift allows for more appropriate penalties based on the severity of the offence, ensuring that minor infractions are dealt with in a manner that reflects their impact.

Background of MSBA

First issued in 2011, the Money Services Business Act governs the conduct and supervision of the MSB industry, which includes money changers, remittance service operators, and currency wholesalers. The act provides the regulatory framework that ensures the MSB industry operates within legal and ethical boundaries, protecting consumers and maintaining financial stability.

Impact of the Amendments

The enforcement of the MSBA 2024 amendments marks a significant step in strengthening the regulatory landscape of Malaysia’s money services industry. By imposing stricter penalties and expanding the scope of prosecutable offences, BNM aims to:

  • Deter Illegal Operations: The threat of mandatory imprisonment and substantial fines is expected to serve as a powerful deterrent against illegal operators.
  • Enhance Consumer Protection: Strengthening enforcement measures will help protect consumers from the risks associated with unauthorized money services.
  • Improve Industry Integrity: By ensuring that all operators adhere to stringent regulatory standards, the amendments will help maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of the MSB industry.

Moving Forward

BNM’s commitment to rigorous enforcement of the MSBA 2024 amendments underscores its dedication to ensuring a safe and reliable money services sector. The central bank will continue to work closely with industry stakeholders to monitor compliance and address any challenges that arise from the new regulatory measures.

For industry players, these amendments signal the importance of maintaining robust compliance frameworks and staying abreast of regulatory changes. For consumers, the enhanced protections offer greater peace of mind when engaging with money services businesses.


The enactment of the Money Services Business (Amendment) Act 2024 by Bank Negara Malaysia represents a pivotal development in the regulation of the MSB industry. With stringent penalties for illegal operators and enhanced regulatory clarity, the amendments aim to safeguard consumer interests and uphold the integrity of the financial system. As these measures take effect, BNM remains committed to fostering a secure and compliant money services environment in Malaysia.

For more information on the MSBA 2024 amendments and their implications, visit Bank Negara Malaysiaโ€™s official website or contact the relevant regulatory authorities.

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