
women property

Women’s Homeownership Journey: Overcoming Financial Challenges and Achieving Property Ownership

While women have made significant progress in breaking the glass ceiling, achieving pay parity with their male counterparts remains an ongoing challenge. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia's 2021 report on Salaries and Wages, there is still an 8% variance in monthly wages earned between genders. The persistence of such inequalities not only undervalues women's contributions but also...

rawang housing

Hundreds of Homeowners Face RM13 Million in Penalty Fees Due to Undisclosed Bumiputera Lots

In a surprising turn of events, 574 homeowners in Rawang are now grappling with unforeseen penalty fees amounting to RM13 million, stemming from the undisclosed allocation of Bumiputera lots in their property purchases. These homeowners have owned their properties for over a decade, unaware of the Bumiputera status attached to their units. The issue came to light when the liquidators of the now insolvent...

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