tod property

Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) in Malaysia: Challenges, Progress, and Sustainability

Despite nearly two decades of government efforts to promote Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs), misconceptions about these projects persist among the majority of Malaysians. While many developments claim to be TODs based on their proximity to public transportation stations, true TODs go much further. So, where does Malaysia stand in its TOD journey? According to PLANMalaysia's general guidelines, there...

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Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) as a Solution to Malaysia’s Urban Traffic Congestion

As Malaysia's cities expand in tandem with a growing population, urban property developments and infrastructure projects have led to increased traffic congestion and higher carbon emissions. This pressing issue has prompted a closer look at Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) as a potential solution to create more sustainable and efficient urban environments. Traffic Congestion and Urban Challenges The...

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