Universiti Malaya Advances to 60th in QS World University Rankings 2025

qs world ranking malaysia

Universiti Malaya’s recent ascent to the 60th position in the QS World University Rankings 2025 has not just placed it among the top 100 global institutions but has also sparked a wave of optimism within Malaysia’s educational and economic spheres. This significant achievement showcases the university’s dedication to academic excellence and research, ultimately bolstering Malaysia’s reputation on the international stage.

Malaysia’s Education Triumphs and Economic Implications

The latest edition of the QS World University Rankings unveiled Universiti Malaya’s impressive climb to 60th place, marking a notable improvement from its previous ranking at 65th. This advancement positions Universiti Malaya as a standout educational hub in Malaysia and underscores the nation’s commitment to fostering a world-class academic environment.

Strengthening Malaysia’s Education Sector

Universiti Malaya’s achievement is not an isolated success story but part of a broader trend in Malaysia’s higher education landscape. With other institutions like Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Universiti Putra Malaysia making significant strides in the rankings, Malaysia is solidifying its position as a regional education powerhouse.


The presence of 28 Malaysian higher education institutions in the QS rankings reflects the country’s dedication to academic excellence and research innovation. This, in turn, has a cascading effect on the overall quality of education in Malaysia, attracting a diverse range of local and international students seeking top-tier educational opportunities.

Impact on Malaysia’s Economic Growth

Beyond educational achievements, Malaysia’s success in the QS World University Rankings holds implications for its economic prosperity. With a target of attracting 250,000 international students by 2025, Malaysia is poised to become a global education hub, fostering cultural exchange and knowledge transfer on a significant scale.

The Education Malaysia Global Services initiative plays a pivotal role in promoting Malaysia as a premier study destination, drawing students from countries like China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria. This influx of international talent not only enriches Malaysia’s academic landscape but also injects vitality into its economy through increased spending and cultural diversity.

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

While Malaysia celebrates its academic milestones, challenges persist, particularly in the realm of employer recognition and research impact. Addressing these areas of improvement is crucial for Malaysia’s sustained growth and competitiveness in the global arena.

Ben Sowter, QS senior vice-president, emphasizes the pivotal role of education in Malaysia’s journey towards becoming a high-income nation. He underscores the importance of nurturing a resilient educational system from primary to tertiary levels, equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven economy.

By prioritizing the development of emerging skills and competencies, Malaysia sets the stage for a future-ready workforce capable of navigating the complexities of the global market. This strategic approach not only catalyzes economic growth but also positions Malaysia as a formidable contender among its regional peers.

In conclusion, Universiti Malaya’s remarkable achievement in the QS World University Rankings is a testament to Malaysia’s unwavering commitment to excellence in education and research. As Malaysia continues on its trajectory towards educational prominence, the benefits extend beyond academia, shaping a brighter future for its students, economy, and global standing.

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