Penang Aims to Become an Age-Friendly City by December 2025

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Penang Aims to Become an Age-Friendly City by December 2025

Penang is making significant strides toward becoming an Age-Friendly City by December next year. This initiative aligns with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) eight frameworks for age-friendly cities, aiming to enhance the quality of life for the elderly population. Penang has been selected as the pilot project due to its status as the state with the second highest ageing population in Malaysia.

The Age-Friendly City Initiative

The Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society (MHAS) is playing a crucial role in this transformation. According to MHAS president Professor Dr. Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman, the society is acting as a consultant to the Penang government to ensure the project’s success. The Age-Friendly City initiative is built around eight key frameworks outlined by the WHO:

  1. Health Services: Ensuring accessible and high-quality healthcare services for the elderly.
  2. Outdoor Spaces: Creating safe and enjoyable outdoor environments.
  3. Employability: Providing employment opportunities and support for older adults.
  4. Social Participation: Encouraging active social engagement and community involvement.
  5. Transport: Developing age-friendly transportation options.
  6. Housing: Ensuring accessible and affordable housing for seniors.
  7. Civic Participation: Promoting inclusion in community decision-making.
  8. Respect and Social Inclusion: Fostering a culture of respect and inclusion for the elderly.

Dr. Shahrul emphasized that initiatives under all these frameworks have already begun with the support of various stakeholders. “Once we fully meet the requirements of these frameworks, Penang can be declared an Age-Friendly City. We expect that to happen by December next year,” she said.


Ongoing Efforts and Collaborations

Penang’s journey toward becoming an Age-Friendly City is well-supported by collaborative efforts. The state’s Penang 2030 Vision, which aims to provide equality and improve the quality of life for all residents, complements the Age-Friendly City initiative. This vision aligns with the broader goal of making Penang a livable and inclusive city for its ageing population.

Other cities in Malaysia have also embarked on similar projects. Ipoh and Taiping were the first to start the Age-Friendly City project, although progress was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sibu has recently joined the initiative, and Petaling Jaya is following suit. “So, we are competing with all these cities,” Dr. Shahrul noted. “Penang is on the right track, more so with the state’s Penang 2030 Vision in place.”

Anticipated Impact and Benefits

The transformation into an Age-Friendly City is expected to bring numerous benefits to Penang. By enhancing healthcare services, creating safer outdoor spaces, improving employability for seniors, and fostering social participation, the initiative aims to significantly improve the quality of life for older residents.

Moreover, the development of age-friendly transport and housing will ensure that the elderly can live independently and comfortably. Civic participation initiatives will allow seniors to have a say in community decisions, promoting a sense of belonging and respect.

Dr. Shahrul highlighted the importance of respect and social inclusion in creating a supportive environment for the elderly. “We aim to foster a culture where the elderly are respected and included in all aspects of community life,” she said.


Penang’s ambitious plan to become an Age-Friendly City by December 2025 is a testament to the state’s commitment to enhancing the lives of its ageing population. With the guidance of the Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society and the support of various stakeholders, Penang is on track to meet the WHO’s eight frameworks for age-friendly cities.

As the state progresses toward this goal, it sets a benchmark for other cities in Malaysia and the region. The Age-Friendly City initiative not only promises to improve the quality of life for the elderly but also aims to create a more inclusive and supportive community for all residents.

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