
pulau tioman airport

Pahang Government Moves Forward with Pulau Tioman Airport Upgrade Project, Secures RM47 Million Allocation

The Pahang government is taking significant steps toward enhancing transportation infrastructure in the region by advancing the Pulau Tioman Airport upgrade project. This pivotal project involves the extension of the airport's existing runway from 850 meters to an extended length of 1.3 kilometers. The endeavor is set to boost the connectivity and accessibility of Pulau Tioman, a popular tourist...

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Pahang Tops Hotel Occupancy Rates in Malaysia at 73% for 1H 2023

Pahang, a state in Malaysia, has achieved the highest average hotel occupancy rates in the country, standing at an impressive 73% for the first half (1H) of 2023. This significant accomplishment is attributed to the growing number of tourists choosing Pahang as their preferred destination. Leong Yu Man, Chairman of the State Unity, Tourism, and Culture Committee in Pahang, credited the higher tourist...

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