Sustainable Development

Net Energy Mastering NEM solar energy

SPNB Explores Solar Panel Integration in Affordable Housing to Boost Green Technology

In a progressive move towards sustainable development, Syarikat Perumahan Negara Bhd (SPNB), Malaysia's leading affordable housing developer, is evaluating a proposal to incorporate solar panels into its residential units. This initiative reflects the government's broader agenda to foster green technology and sustainable energy solutions within the country's housing sector. Potential for Green Energy in...

Net Energy Mastering NEM solar energy

Malaysia Expands Rooftop Solar Quotas to Boost Renewable Energy Adoption

As part of its continued commitment to fostering renewable energy adoption and sustainability, the Malaysian government is gearing up to release more Net Energy Metering (NEM) quotas for rooftop solar installations across residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. The move comes in response to the overwhelming demand that led to the exhaustion of existing quotas just last week. The Ministry of...

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