Malaysia’s New Minimum Wage Proposal to be Reviewed by Cabinet in September 2024

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The Malaysian government is set to review the nation’s minimum wage, with a proposal expected to be presented to the Cabinet next month, according to Human Resource Minister Steven Sim. This announcement follows the submission of a report and recommendations by the National Wages Consultative Council, chaired by Tan Sri Zainal Rahim Seman.

Upcoming Cabinet Review

Minister Sim confirmed that his ministry has already distributed a Cabinet paper to relevant ministries for feedback on the proposed new wage rate. The paper will be presented for consideration and decision at the Cabinet level, likely in September 2024.

This move is part of the government’s ongoing efforts to address wage issues and ensure that the minimum wage remains fair and reflective of the current economic environment. The last revision of the minimum wage was in May 2022, when it was increased from RM1,200 to RM1,500.


Government’s Commitment to Wage Reform

In a press conference following the Manpower Department Training Institute (ILJTM) 27th Convocation Ceremony, Sim reiterated the government’s commitment to ensuring that wages keep pace with the cost of living. The upcoming proposal is expected to take into account various factors, including inflation, cost of living, and the need to maintain Malaysia’s competitiveness.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has also highlighted the importance of fair wages. He recently urged the private sector, especially highly profitable companies, to reassess their salary schemes and offer more reasonable remuneration to their employees. This push for wage reform in the public sector is intended to set a standard and encourage private companies to follow suit, thereby helping to ease the financial burden on workers.

Background on Minimum Wage Revisions

The last minimum wage increase in May 2022 was a significant step towards improving the standard of living for many Malaysian workers. However, with the rising cost of living and inflationary pressures, there has been growing demand for further adjustments to ensure that wages remain sufficient to meet basic needs.

The National Wages Consultative Council, responsible for advising the government on wage-related matters, has conducted extensive research and consultations with various stakeholders to arrive at the latest recommendations. The new proposal is expected to strike a balance between improving workers’ wages and maintaining the economic viability of businesses.

Impact on the Private Sector

The proposed minimum wage adjustment is likely to have widespread implications for the private sector. Companies will need to evaluate their current wage structures and make necessary adjustments to comply with the new regulations. While this may lead to increased operational costs, it is also expected to boost employee morale and productivity, which could have positive long-term effects on business performance.

Moreover, the government’s emphasis on fair wages and the call for the private sector to follow the public sector’s example underscore a broader strategy to reduce income inequality and improve the overall economic well-being of the workforce.

Looking Ahead

As the Cabinet prepares to review the new minimum wage proposal, businesses and workers alike are watching closely. The outcome of this decision will not only impact wages but also influence broader economic policies related to employment and social welfare.

The government’s proactive approach in addressing wage issues reflects its commitment to ensuring that economic growth translates into tangible benefits for all Malaysians. The upcoming Cabinet decision will be a critical step in this ongoing effort.

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